
My favourite Artists

One of my biggest inspirerations to music are Rizzle Kicks, they were founded in 1996 and started playing together round Rizzle's auntie's house. It wasn't until eight years later that the pair reunited after both moving to Brighton and facing each other head-on in a Sunday league football match. Then four years later they went to the same college and soon realised how nicely their styles fitted together in the music indursty. As a newly formed duo, they started to hustle for beats from local producers and started making their own music videos with a friend of theirs. Getting into a proper studio with some talented producers, they made their album (stereo typical) a mixture of pop and hip hop incorporating the fun elements of the old school hip-hop era circa 1988-92.
This is their album cover for stereo typical, i like the colours they use as there simple and how there faded to different colours which blend into each other work very well. They are shown in normal clothing (nothing fancy) there facial expressions are plain which is clever as you cant read anything about them. I love the cover as it symbolies them as people and they dont try and stand out with bright colours, they show there true selfs and what there all about which is there music. By doing a cover like this they have there true fans buying there CD not just people who think the covers pretty so they buy it for that reason which a lot of people do. They use a few techniques I have put on my cover junkie strip which inspirers me.
This picture is similar to there album cover as they use the same colours which work well with there style. The light used in the picture is shown in the middle through the window and lights up there backs and shadow their faces. There facial expressions are always shown in the same way like they didnt even notice they were having there picture taken but it works well with there complex. These colours are nurtail colours that are lighter in the background and darker in there face to make them stand out from the picture. It is a staright on shot to get the background on as well as there faces which are the main point of the photo.
In this picture its more posed and they use simple facial expressions as normal which they use in all there pictures. The background is white which makes there clothes and the equiment they use stand out more as they use simple colours. This shot is straight on and they get the unbrella in as its the main point of the photo as well as them. The clothes they wear are normal teenagers clothes and they have there own style and dont try to dress up they keep it arriganal and simple as thats part of there music style. How they look is shown in the songs they sing like being laid back and relaxed. They work well with the camera.

Another artist that inspirers me and is close to Rizzle Kicks is Ed Sheeranis, he is a singer/songwriter. He learnt the guitar at a very young age, and began writing songs at High School. His style of music is Folk rock, acoustic, hip-hop, grime. He did 312 gigs, James Morrison had done 200 gigs in a year, so Ed said he wanted to beat him on this number which he did. He ran out of money and left his flat he was renting and started ‘sofa surfing’ around London, he has been doing this ever since, even after he signed his deal. He released his song You Need Me, just before going on tour with Just Jack and began to get noticed after he posted a video through SB.TV, which led to mainstream rapper Example asking Sheeran to tour with him. He reasled his debut single called The A Team which is a big selller now and he has a big fan base.
This is Ed Sheerans debut album cover for The A Team, i like how he used only one colour for the whole cover. It is clever as he has ginger hair and he makes it blend in with the orange colour he use over the cover, his face also works well with the colour and makes his features stand out. His face is a natural pose which doesnt give much away. They make his face fussy on the out sides of his face so it slowly goes into the background and his face isnt smoothe like normal they have made his face look hard and by his eyes he looks serious. This is quite simple to the eye and nothing fancy again, it shows him and what his about.
I love this picture as it works well with his style and they use the origanal colour white on black. In many of his videos he isnt shown as the main character as he uses other actors to be him but he will show up at some point in the video just for the fans to have a sneak peak of him and this picture explains that very well. The black and grey works well together and works well with his features he is shown in dark colours in this and the cat in lighter colours showing the cat being the main point and him hiding behind it. This is a straight on shot.
In this picture they use natural colours like Rizzle Kicks do and make his clothing darker and the background lighter so he blends into the wall. He also wearing day to day clothes nothing fancy and picked out by stylists he has his own style and makes peoeple work around him. A lot of his videos explain him and what his like as well as pictures, he doesnt like to pose he just smiles and works well with the camera.
These are my two favourite artists and they will be inspirering me with my magazine covers.

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