
Membuat VideoCall dengan Api Bistri

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat Siang semuanya kali ini kita akan membuat VideoCall dengan menggunakan Api Bistri, dengan Api ini kita tidak usah bersusah-susah membuat engine videocall dari awal seperti postingan sebelumnya baca:cara mengakses kamera webcam dari web dengan javascript karena Api ini siap pakai. Untuk menggunakan Api ini anda harus registrasi dulu di api.developers.bistri.com/signup kemudian setelah terdaftar sekarang buat aplikasi baru, klik di menu applications->create new application

selanjunya masukan nama aplikasi anda lalu klik create new key
kunci aplikasi akan dikirimkan ke email anda, buka email anda untuk melihat appId & appKey

Selanjutnya setelah mendapatkan appId & appKey masukan pada script ini

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.bistri.com/bistri.conference.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    JS library reference:

var room;
var members;
var localStream;

// when Bistri API client is ready, function
// "onBistriConferenceReady" is invoked
onBistriConferenceReady = function () {

// test if the browser is WebRTC compatible
if ( !bc.isCompatible() ) {
// if the browser is not compatible, display an alert
alert( "your browser is not WebRTC compatible !" );
// then stop the script execution

// initialize API client with application keys
// if you don't have your own, you can get them at:
// https://api.developers.bistri.com/login
bc.init( {
"appId": "Maukan AppId disini",
"appKey": "Masukan App Key disini"
} );

/* Set events handler */

// when local user is connected to the server
bc.signaling.bind( "onConnected", function () {
// show pane with id "pane_1"
showPanel( "pane_1" );
} );

// when an error occured on the server side
bc.signaling.bind( "onError", function ( error ) {
// display an alert message
alert( error.text + " (" + error.code + ")" );
} );

// when the user has joined a room
bc.signaling.bind( "onJoinedRoom", function ( data ) {
// set the current room name
room = data.room;
members = data.members;
// ask the user to access to his webcam
bc.startStream( "webcam-sd", function( stream ){
// affect stream to "localStream" var
localStream = stream;
// when webcam access has been granted
// show pane with id "pane_2"
showPanel( "pane_2" );
// insert the local webcam stream into div#video_container node
bc.attachStream( stream, q( "#video_container" ), { mirror: true } );
// then, for every single members present in the room ...
for ( var i=0, max=members.length; i<max; i++ ) {
// ... request a call
bc.call( members[ i ].id, room, { "stream": stream } );
} );
} );

// when an error occurred while trying to join a room
bc.signaling.bind( "onJoinRoomError", function ( error ) {
// display an alert message
alert( error.text + " (" + error.code + ")" );
} );

// when the local user has quitted the room
bc.signaling.bind( "onQuittedRoom", function( room ) {
// stop the local stream
bc.stopStream( localStream, function(){
// remove the stream from the page
bc.detachStream( localStream );
// show pane with id "pane_1"
showPanel( "pane_1" );
} );
} );

// when a new remote stream is received
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamAdded", function ( remoteStream ) {
// insert the new remote stream into div#video_container node
bc.attachStream( remoteStream, q( "#video_container_2" ) );
} );

// when a remote stream has been stopped
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamClosed", function ( stream ) {
// remove the stream from the page
bc.detachStream( stream );
} );

// when a local stream cannot be retrieved
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamError", function( error ){
switch( error.name ){
case "PermissionDeniedError":
alert( "Webcam access has not been allowed" );
bc.quitRoom( room );
case "DevicesNotFoundError":
if( confirm( "No webcam/mic found on this machine. Process call anyway ?" ) ){
// show pane with id "pane_2"
showPanel( "pane_2" );
for ( var i=0, max=members.length; i<max; i++ ) {
// ... request a call
bc.call( members[ i ].id, room );
bc.quitRoom( room );
} );

// bind function "joinConference" to button "Join Conference Room"
q( "#join" ).addEventListener( "click", joinConference );

// bind function "quitConference" to button "Quit Conference Room"
q( "#quit" ).addEventListener( "click", quitConference );

// open a new session on the server

// when button "Join Conference Room" has been clicked
function joinConference(){
var roomToJoin = "vineet";
// if "Conference Name" field is not empty ...
if( roomToJoin ){
// ... join the room
bc.joinRoom( roomToJoin );
// otherwise, display an alert
alert( "you must enter a room name !" )

// when button "Quit Conference Room" has been clicked
function quitConference(){
// quit the current conference room
bc.quitRoom( room );

function showPanel( id ){
var panes = document.querySelectorAll( ".pane" );
// for all nodes matching the query ".pane"
for( var i=0, max=panes.length; i<max; i++ ){
// hide all nodes except the one to show
panes[ i ].style.display = panes[ i ].id == id ? "block" : "none";

function q( query ){
// return the DOM node matching the query
return document.querySelector( query );
<style type="text/css">

margin: 20px;
text-align: center;
left: 150px;
z-index: 1;

margin: 20px;
text-align: center;
left: 200px;

video {
width: 100%;
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #4b6cb7, #182848);

<div class="container-fluid" style="height:100px ">
<h1 class="col-sm-12 col-lg-9" style="top:25%"><strong><em>Video Call</strong></em></h1>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-3" style="position:relative; top:25%; right:5%;"></div>
<div class="pane" id="pane_1" style="display: block">

<div class="container"><input type="button" value="Make Video Call" id="join" class="btn btn-lg btn-success"></div>


<div class=" pane" id="pane_2" style="display: none">
<div id="video_container"></div>
<div id="video_container_2"></div>
<input type="button" value="Quit Conference Room" id="quit" class="btn btn-danger btn-default btn-block">

Selanjutnya tes di browser, jika berhasil melakukan video call hasilnya seperti ini:

Ok sekianlah tutorial kali ini selamat mencoba, jika ada yang ditanyakan silakan kirimkan pertanyaan anda pada kolom komentar dibawah, jika artikel ini bermanfaat silakan di share

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