Membuat VideoCall dengan Api Bistri
Oct 7, 2017
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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Selamat Siang semuanya kali ini kita akan membuat VideoCall dengan menggunakan Api Bistri, dengan Api ini kita tidak usah bersusah-susah membuat engine videocall dari awal seperti postingan sebelumnya baca:cara mengakses kamera webcam dari web dengan javascript karena Api ini siap pakai. Untuk menggunakan Api ini anda harus registrasi dulu di kemudian setelah terdaftar sekarang buat aplikasi baru, klik di menu applications->create new application
selanjunya masukan nama aplikasi anda lalu klik create new key
kunci aplikasi akan dikirimkan ke email anda, buka email anda untuk melihat appId & appKey
Selanjutnya setelah mendapatkan appId & appKey masukan pada script ini
Selanjutnya tes di browser, jika berhasil melakukan video call hasilnya seperti ini:
Ok sekianlah tutorial kali ini selamat mencoba, jika ada yang ditanyakan silakan kirimkan pertanyaan anda pada kolom komentar dibawah, jika artikel ini bermanfaat silakan di share
selanjunya masukan nama aplikasi anda lalu klik create new key
kunci aplikasi akan dikirimkan ke email anda, buka email anda untuk melihat appId & appKey
Selanjutnya setelah mendapatkan appId & appKey masukan pada script ini
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
JS library reference:
var room;
var members;
var localStream;
// when Bistri API client is ready, function
// "onBistriConferenceReady" is invoked
onBistriConferenceReady = function () {
// test if the browser is WebRTC compatible
if ( !bc.isCompatible() ) {
// if the browser is not compatible, display an alert
alert( "your browser is not WebRTC compatible !" );
// then stop the script execution
// initialize API client with application keys
// if you don't have your own, you can get them at:
bc.init( {
"appId": "Maukan AppId disini",
"appKey": "Masukan App Key disini"
} );
/* Set events handler */
// when local user is connected to the server
bc.signaling.bind( "onConnected", function () {
// show pane with id "pane_1"
showPanel( "pane_1" );
} );
// when an error occured on the server side
bc.signaling.bind( "onError", function ( error ) {
// display an alert message
alert( error.text + " (" + error.code + ")" );
} );
// when the user has joined a room
bc.signaling.bind( "onJoinedRoom", function ( data ) {
// set the current room name
room =;
members = data.members;
// ask the user to access to his webcam
bc.startStream( "webcam-sd", function( stream ){
// affect stream to "localStream" var
localStream = stream;
// when webcam access has been granted
// show pane with id "pane_2"
showPanel( "pane_2" );
// insert the local webcam stream into div#video_container node
bc.attachStream( stream, q( "#video_container" ), { mirror: true } );
// then, for every single members present in the room ...
for ( var i=0, max=members.length; i<max; i++ ) {
// ... request a call members[ i ].id, room, { "stream": stream } );
} );
} );
// when an error occurred while trying to join a room
bc.signaling.bind( "onJoinRoomError", function ( error ) {
// display an alert message
alert( error.text + " (" + error.code + ")" );
} );
// when the local user has quitted the room
bc.signaling.bind( "onQuittedRoom", function( room ) {
// stop the local stream
bc.stopStream( localStream, function(){
// remove the stream from the page
bc.detachStream( localStream );
// show pane with id "pane_1"
showPanel( "pane_1" );
} );
} );
// when a new remote stream is received
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamAdded", function ( remoteStream ) {
// insert the new remote stream into div#video_container node
bc.attachStream( remoteStream, q( "#video_container_2" ) );
} );
// when a remote stream has been stopped
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamClosed", function ( stream ) {
// remove the stream from the page
bc.detachStream( stream );
} );
// when a local stream cannot be retrieved
bc.streams.bind( "onStreamError", function( error ){
switch( ){
case "PermissionDeniedError":
alert( "Webcam access has not been allowed" );
bc.quitRoom( room );
case "DevicesNotFoundError":
if( confirm( "No webcam/mic found on this machine. Process call anyway ?" ) ){
// show pane with id "pane_2"
showPanel( "pane_2" );
for ( var i=0, max=members.length; i<max; i++ ) {
// ... request a call members[ i ].id, room );
bc.quitRoom( room );
} );
// bind function "joinConference" to button "Join Conference Room"
q( "#join" ).addEventListener( "click", joinConference );
// bind function "quitConference" to button "Quit Conference Room"
q( "#quit" ).addEventListener( "click", quitConference );
// open a new session on the server
// when button "Join Conference Room" has been clicked
function joinConference(){
var roomToJoin = "vineet";
// if "Conference Name" field is not empty ...
if( roomToJoin ){
// ... join the room
bc.joinRoom( roomToJoin );
// otherwise, display an alert
alert( "you must enter a room name !" )
// when button "Quit Conference Room" has been clicked
function quitConference(){
// quit the current conference room
bc.quitRoom( room );
function showPanel( id ){
var panes = document.querySelectorAll( ".pane" );
// for all nodes matching the query ".pane"
for( var i=0, max=panes.length; i<max; i++ ){
// hide all nodes except the one to show
panes[ i ].style.display = panes[ i ].id == id ? "block" : "none";
function q( query ){
// return the DOM node matching the query
return document.querySelector( query );
<style type="text/css">
margin: 20px;
text-align: center;
left: 150px;
z-index: 1;
margin: 20px;
text-align: center;
left: 200px;
video {
width: 100%;
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #4b6cb7, #182848);
<div class="container-fluid" style="height:100px ">
<h1 class="col-sm-12 col-lg-9" style="top:25%"><strong><em>Video Call</strong></em></h1>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-3" style="position:relative; top:25%; right:5%;"></div>
<div class="pane" id="pane_1" style="display: block">
<div class="container"><input type="button" value="Make Video Call" id="join" class="btn btn-lg btn-success"></div>
<div class=" pane" id="pane_2" style="display: none">
<div id="video_container"></div>
<div id="video_container_2"></div>
<input type="button" value="Quit Conference Room" id="quit" class="btn btn-danger btn-default btn-block">
Selanjutnya tes di browser, jika berhasil melakukan video call hasilnya seperti ini:
Ok sekianlah tutorial kali ini selamat mencoba, jika ada yang ditanyakan silakan kirimkan pertanyaan anda pada kolom komentar dibawah, jika artikel ini bermanfaat silakan di share
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